Sub-Saharan African Newborn Babies Benefit from Medical Device Coalition
Posted December 21, 2022
Infants born in sub-Saharan Africa are 10 times more likely to die during the first month of life than those born in high-income countries. Right at birth, vulnerable babies in low-income countries meet health care inequity. But a global coalition of organizations is working to turn this unfortunate outcome around.
Two of these organizations, Monnit customers—3rd Stone Design and Hadleigh Health Technologies—are focused on improving the distribution, use, and performance of medical devices in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) in Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Tanzania, and other countries. The coalition they collaborate with is called Newborn Essential Solutions and Technologies, or NEST360.
The medical devices that NEST360 works to provide, monitor, and service include critical NICU equipment for temperature stability, respiratory support, neonatal jaundice treatment, and other vital care. Monnit Sensors, Cellular Gateways, and Software are included in the system that helps monitor and ensures these neonatal life-sustaining medical devices are ready to provide proper care.