Discontinued Products
ColorFlex EZ
ColorFlex EZ offers the advantage of 45º/0º design ensuring that you not only get your colors right - but perfect every time. It measures your sample the way the human eye does. It lets you see your colors exactly the way your customers do, not just in the lab but in the real world.
- Measures the reflected color of solids and liquids
- Product-standard storage with Pass/Fail tolerances
- Displays Color Data, Color Plot, Spectral Data and Spectral Plots
- Available with 45°/0° measurement geometry
- Requires very little bench space
- Can be connected to a printer or a PC
- EasyMatch QC quality control software
Measurement Principle: Port up or Port forward dual-beam benchtop spectrophotometer
Geometry: Directional annular 45° illumination / 0° viewing
Spectrophotometer: Sealed optics; 256-element diode array and a high resolution concave holographic grating
Port Diameter/View Diameter: 31.8 mm (1.25 in) illuminated/ 25.4 mm (1 in) measured
Specular Component: Excluded
Spectral Range: 400 nm - 700 nm
Spectral Resolution: < 3 nm
Effective Bandwidth: 10 nm equivalent triangular
Reporting Interval: 10 nm
Photometric Range: 0 to 150 %
Light Source: Pulsed Xenon Lamp
Flashes per Measurement: 1 flash
Lamp Life: > 1 million flashes
Measurement Time: < 1 second from button push to measurement 2 seconds from button push to data display
Minimum Interval Between Measurements: 3 seconds
Standards Conformance: CIE 15:2004, ISO 7724/1, ASTM E1164, DIN 5033, Teil 7 and JIS Z 8722 Condition C
Standards Traceability: Instrument standard assignment in accordance with National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) following practices described in CIE Publication 44 and ASTM E259
- Plastics
- Building Products
- Chemicals
- Food