Colour Analysis
Get fast and accurate color measurement results of heavily textured and non-uniform samples—every time—with the intuitive and ingeniously designed Aeros Benchtop Spectrophotometer.
- Designed for heavily textured, non-uniform samples
- Auto-height-positionable and no-contact sensor
- Industry’s largest, rotating sample platform
- 5 seconds, 35 measurements, 27.5 square inches of sample measured
- Industrial touchscreen with modern user interface
- USB and Ethernet connectivity
Measurement Principle: Dual-beam Non-contact Reflectance Spectrophotometer
Measurement Method: Port Down; Non-Contact; Rotating platter
Maximum Sample Height: 140 mm (5.5 in.)
Measurement Duration: User selectable (5, 10, 15, 30 seconds)
Sampling Rate: 7 measurements per second
Measurements per Rotation: 35
Area Measured per Rotation: 177.25 cm(square) (27.5 in(square))
- Beverages
- Bio-Pharma
- Building Products
- Chemicals
- Food