On-Line Analyzers

Continuous gas analyzer - MAP Check 3

On-line Oxygen (O2) and Carbon dioxide (CO2) gas analyser for flow wrappers with Gas Control for Major Gas savings and gas consumption data logging.

A smarter way to control your gas flushing/ modified atmosphere packaging process.

QN: do you think you are using too much gas? or would you like to know what the gas mix / residual oxygen of every single pack coming off the flow wrapper? - then- the MC3 is definitely a solution you should consider trying out.....

MAP is the future. But companies producing MAP products with more gas than necessary may become history.

That’s why our new gas analyser is so precise. The gas target you set is the gas dosage you get – that is the MAP Check 3. This stops the all-too-common practice of well-intentioned operators being too generous with the gas, not realising its effect on production costs.

The only thing the MAP Check 3 does increase is your flexibility. Via the advanced GasSave function you can combine gas content monitoring on a vertical or horizontal flow packaging machine with real-time control of package flushing. For most manufacturers, this translates into a decreased gas consumption of 20-50%!

It also improves your reliability and efficiency. On-line quality assurance with the MAP Check 3 ensures that every package is tested – much quicker and more efficiently than random, off-line quality control. And if there’s a problem, production will stop automatically, helping to avoid recalls or repacking of entire batches.


  • Potential major gas savings with optional GasSave function or when used in combination with the MAP Mix Provectus
  • Actual gas consumption logged and displayed for easy traceability with GasSave function
  • Reduces labour and waste costs compared to manual testing
  • Avoids recalls/repacking by stopping packaging machine if it exceeds preset limits
  • Reduces work area CO2 levels to protect employees
  • 5” colour touch screen
  • Improved data logging capabilities with USB, Ethernet, TCP Modbus
  • Ability to control MAP Mix Provectus gas mixer
  • Delivered with PC software
  • IP45 protection kit, 3-channel multiplexer
  • Optional built-in GasSave flow controller


The Dansensor MapCheck 3 Oxygen (O2) and Carbon Dioxide (Co2) gas analyser for flow wrappers come in below configurations;

  • MAP Check 3, O2(Zr)
  • MAP Check 3, O2(Zr) + CO2
  • MAP Check 3, CO2
  • MAP Check 3, O2(Zr), GasSave (with Gas Control/ Saving)
  • MAP Check 3, O2(Zr) + CO2, GasSave
  • MAP Check 3, CO2, GasSave
  • MAP Check 3, O2(Zr), MUX (Multiplexer / 3 point gas measuring)
  • MAP Check 3, O2(Zr) + CO2, MUX
  • MAP Check 3, CO2, MUX
  • MAP Check 3, O2(Zr), GasSave, MUX (with Gas Control/ Saving + Multiplexer / 3 point gas measuring)
  • MAP Check 3, O2(Zr) + CO2, GasSave, MUXMAP Check 3, CO2, GasSave, MUX
  • Gas Analysis and Control of Fresh Red Meat
  • Gas Analysis and Control of Poultry Meat
  • Gas Analysis and Control of Fish
  • Gas Analysis and Control of Cold or Ready-to-Eat meats
  • Gas Analysis and Control of Bakery Products
  • Gas Analysis and Control of Dairy Products
  • Gas Analysis and Control of Fruit and Vegetables
  • Gas Analysis and Control of Dried Meats
  • Gas Analysis and Control of Nuts and Dried fruit
  • Gas Analysis and Control of Coffee and Tea
  • Gas Analysis and Control of Drinks
  • Gas Analysis and Control of Fats and Oils
  • Gas Analysis and Control of Freeze Dried Products
  • Gas Analysis and Control of Fresh Pasta
  • Gas Analysis and Control of Nutraceutical Products
  • Gas Analysis and Control for Packaging / Manufacturing and Seal Integrity
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