Near-Infrared (NIR)
NIR Analyser - DA 7250
6-second NIR analysis of all types of samples, in any type of environment. Accurate, easy to use, versatile and IP65 rated.
Combining outstanding analytical accuracy with speed, ease of use and ruggedness. The DA 7250 comes pre-calibrated for a wide range of applications, and determines moisture, protein, fat and many other parameters in all types of samples.
Anything - Analyze all types of samples from powders to pellets, liquids, pastes and slurries
Anywhere - Rugged IP65 rated design for use at-line or in the lab
Anytime - Never wait to get results, 6-second analysis without sample preparation
Anybody - Trained chemists or factory staff, everyone will confidently use the DA 7250
DA 7250 instrument overview
Building on the success of its predecessors which are used by close to 2,000 customers worldwide. The DA 7250 NIR Analyzer analyzes samples in only 6 seconds, and can determine moisture, protein, fat, ash, starch and many other parameters with excellent accuracy. Available factory calibrations cover a wide variety of products and parameters and are built from our global database which encompasses hundreds of thousands of samples. It's very easy to analyze a sample. In most cases just pour the sample into an open-faced dish, place it in the DA 7250 and it automatically starts the analysis. Results are presented on the large touchscreen. The instrument is fully stand-alone and no external computer is needed. Where other NIR instruments require that samples are ground or homogenized prior to analysis, the DA 7250 accurately analyzes samples as they are, minimizing the time from when you take the sample until you have the result. Grains, flakes, pellets, powders, pastes, slurries and liquids are all analyzed as they are without the need for expensive modules. The DA 7250 is based on diode array technology which is accurate, robust and proven. In diode array technology there are no moving parts and this makes the DA 7250 very suitable for challenging environments as it is not sensitive to vibrations or temperature. It is also IP65 rated which means it is dust and water-proof.
Operation and handling
The DA 7250 was designed in cooperation with customers with the goal to create the most easily operated NIR instrument on the market. Not just because this makes work easier for operators, but because it matters for performance. The easier an analysis method is, the fewer mistakes you make, and the better your accuracy will be. Three easy steps:

Analysis starts automatically, and results are presented in large numbers after just a few seconds.
ISO 12099 compliant
The DA 7250 supports the procedures described in the ISO standard 12099 on the development and validation of NIR calibrations, and is completely compliant with the standard.
The DA 7250 gives you faster and more accurate results, and makes analysis easier than ever before.
6-second analysis
The DA 7250 analyzes a sample in only 6 seconds. Its rapid analysis and minimal requirement for cleaning between samples give the DA 7250 an analysis capacity which is 4-5 times higher than other NIR instruments.
No grinding or homogenization of samples
Thanks to its large light spot and real-time analysis of a rotating sample, the DA 7250 analyses a much more representative sample than other instruments do, and can accurately analyze inhomogeneous samples as they are.
Lab and At-line use The DA 7250 is built for challenging environments.
- Its IP65 rating means it is dust and water proof
- Diode array technology uses no moving parts in the optics and is unaffected by vibrations
- The spectrometer is temperature stabilized and provides accurate results from 5-40
C Stand-alone instrument
The DA 7250 is a stand-alone instrument and does not require an external computer. External computers often experience communication issues with instruments, and can't be placed in the dusty or dirty environments that the DA 7250 excels in.
Factory normalization
All instruments are normalized at factory, in an advanced procedure where the wavelength scale and absorbance scale are standardized to make individual units identical to each other.
Automatic self-tests
The DA 7250 automatically performs several self-tests and diagnostics to ensure that it always performs optimally. The wavelength scale is confirmed using a built-in Xenon lamp which emits light at 7 exact wavelengths, and the absorbance scale is checked using a Teflon-coated ceramic reference flag. As the DA 7250 is so rapid, self-tests can be performed before each analysis, making the DA 7250 a more stable analyzer than other NIR instruments.
Easy to use
The straight-forward sample handling and the intuitive user interface mean that anybody can operate the DA 7250 confidently, and get accurate results. Find out more about the easy operation of the DA 7250 here, in text, photos and video.
Large touch screen
The large touch screen lets operators clearly see results even from a distance, and makes it very easy to operate the DA 7250. The screen is rugged and is designed to be used also in process environments.
Feature rich software
While the user interface is intuitive and easy to use, it also incorporates a number of powerful features such as report generation, result display options and data integration with other applications.
Plug & Play devices
Windows-enabled USB devices such as memory sticks, barcode scanners, printers are supported by the DA 7250. Unlike other manufacturers, we don't limit you in your choice of devices. Just plug your device in and start using it.
Data connectivity
Analysis results are often needed somewhere else than where the instrument is placed. The DA 7250 can export data in a multitude of formats, and can be configured to automatically exchange data with other applications.
Web Reporting
Using our optional Web Reporting feature results from one or several instruments can be accessed from anywhere, through a web browser. There are many potential uses: a purchasing manager can pull out reports on incoming materials; a production manager can track key process parameters over time; a lab manager can monitor NIR performance vs reference methods. Several report templates are available, and results are shown in tables as well as graphs.
Same platform as On-line
Diode array is the only NIR technology which is suitable both for benchtop analysis and process analysis. Our on-line and in-line NIR instruments use the same platform as the DA 7250, which means seamless transfer of calibrations
DA 7250 Specifications
General |
Power Requirements: Dimensions (HxWxD): Net Weight: Ambient temperature: Ingress protection: | 115/230 V, 50/60 Hz 517x370x390 mm with touch screen in top position 20 kg 5-40°C IP65, completely protected against dust and water |
Analysis |
Analysis time: Sample size: Products: Parameters: Sample presentation: Measuring area: Sub-samples: Regression options: Chemometrics software | 6 seconds From a few grains up to 380 ml All grains, meals, slurries, pastes and other products Moisture, Protein, Oil, Starch, Fiber and many more. Non-contact, down view, rotating sample dish Standard sample dish 108 cm2 Continuous measurement of complete area, 15 spectra per second Partial Least Squares, Artificial Neural Networks, Honigs Regression Unscrambler 9.8 (Camo), Unscrambler 10.2 (Camo), GRAMS 8.0 (Thermo Galactic) |
Spectrometer and Optics |
Spectrometer type Wavelength range: Wavelength accuracy: Detector: Number of scans: Lamp life-time: Reference: | Diode array 950-1650 nm better than 0.05 nm Thermoelectrically cooled 256 element InGaAs ~15 spectra / s Minimum two years. Operator exchangeable lamps Teflon coated ceramic reference, automatic |
Interfaces, data and connectivity |
User interface: Results presentation: Internal data storage Communication: | 12' color touch screen with intuitive software Large digits on screen, print-out (optional) 80GB Solid State Drive, SQL database USB (4) and Ethernet ports are built-in; Wifi, RS-232 and others available using USB adapters |